I'm Not a Resource

A good number of people have written that we should not refer to people as "resources", and there are plenty of reasons why this is so.  However, I continue to hear the term resource applied to human beings on a daily basis.

I've created a video on YouTube called, "I'm not a Resource".  If you agree, please comment either here or on YouTube.  If you would like, send a short (no more than 10 seconds) video clip to daverooneyca (at) gmail (dot) com of you saying, "I'm not a resource.  I'm a person.", and over time I'll create an aggregate video of all the responses.

So, here is "I'm not a Resource":


Paul Boos said…
Thanks for this post... Sending this to my HR director...

Paul "I'm not a resource" Boos
Todd Charron said…
Agreed! I wrote about the topic back in April http://goo.gl/zb8pV

As you can guess, it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine.

I'll try and get you a video in the next few days.

Great idea!
Todd Charron said…
Agreed! I wrote about the topic back in April http://goo.gl/zb8pV

As you can guess, it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine.

I'll try and get you a video in the next few days.

Great idea!
Dave Rooney said…

Cool - thank you!
Dave Rooney said…

Excellent! I've added a link to your article in the text.
Phil Green said…
Unknown said…

Thanks for your post. This has annoyed me so much and will probably do for a long time to come. But your video will be sent around :-)

I'm sending a video comment later today.


Anders Holmbech Brandt
Morten Knudsen said…
I'm a person and I have resources(my brain and my hands). My employer pay me money fore the use of these resources. So I'm a resource for the company. Is this hard to understand? Try to look up a word before you make claims ;)
Anonymous said…
I could not agree with you more! I make it a practice at my job to avoid using that term when it comes to people. Nice job on the video!
Anonymous said…
@Knudsen, where in that defintion does it define a person as a resource? I've looked several times over the years and have never found a dictionary entry that defines resource as a person.

People are resourceful but they are not resources except in management lingo run amok.