It was great being surrounded by such a vibrant group who were so engaged with shipping software and making their own rules as they went along! I learned a ton about Ruby and Rails as well as the ins and outs of scaling software to many tens of thousands of users, and crazy request per minute (RPM) numbers. I was fortunate to work with a number of real craftspeople who cared deeply about what they did and sought constantly to improve. I was equally fortunate to work with some of the most approachable, enlightened management I've seen from the CEO, Tobi Lütke, on down.
As for the future, I'm now available to work with organizations to build or improve their product delivery capabilities. I can work with your developers to help them learn techniques to drastically improve quality in order to enable them to sustainably ship software faster. I can work with your product management people to help them identify what to build and how to break it down into minimally small pieces in order to obtain feedback as quickly as possible and delight your customers. I can work with your support organization to help them engage more directly with both customers and the development people in order to respond to real issues faster. And, I can work with your management group to help them establish effective to structure and oversee your organization to effectively support your people.
If you want more information about what I've done in the past, have a look at my LinkedIn profile.
If you're interested in some coaching or just want to chat about your organization, feel free to e-mail me at dave.rooney@westborosystems.com .